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DVD Media Discs
What are DVD Media Discs and why are they better than a normal DVD?
Think of these discs as flash drives, but in disc form. These discs allow for larger files to be burned onto them - similar to adding a large file to a flash drive - which results in a higher quality video.
This is why they work on all computers, and work on most blu-ray and DVD players
(but not all blu-ray and DVD players).
Normal DVD discs hold half the file size, which results in a lower quality video.
It is stated on the order form that the disc works on all computers and most blu-ray and DVD players.
These discs may not work in your disc player, as stated in advance on your order form.

I'm struggling to play my disc! What can I do???
There are a few options you can consider!
1. Play your disc on your computer and view on your computer
2. Play your disc on your computer and connect you computer to your TV, for larger viewing.
Check out these videos below to help you connect your computer to your TV:
Connect Computer to Television with HDMI Cable to Watch Movies
How to Play Movies from PC to TV Using Wireless
3. Don't have a disc player on your computer?
Check out these external disc player options!
4. Purchase a disc player that has the correct specs for viewing DVD Media Discs
Here is a disc player that works great! If you don't want to purchase this one, I recommend
going to a local Best Buy or Walmart and seeing if they have a disc player with similar specs. Many newer disc players are able to play these media discs, but, not all can.
5. Want to switch your DVD Media disc out for a blu-ray?
You can check the Preps Dance Office to see if they have anymore extra Blu-ray Discs. Otherwise,
all purchases are final, as state on the order form.
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